Ripcord vs Salesforce

Salesforce is a powerhouse - but it's expensive and requires tremendous customization and 3rd party apps in order to gain the same functionality as Ripcord.

Salesforce is....Cost Prohibitive!

Salesforce is one of the most impactful and widely known CRMs in the market. A true trailblazer, an innovator, Salesforce has revolutionized customer relationship management - and for that we are grateful.

But when it comes down to running your business, Salesforce is much too expensive! Its out of box features barely scratch the surface in terms of your revenue needs. You need a marketing automation tool, calendaring widgets, complex routing rules, live demo recording and AI-transcribing, etc in order to facilitate downward movement of prospects through your lead to win funnel. With Salesforce, you will pay extra for each additional feature, or you will have to integrate 3rd party solutions. On top of that - you will need to hire a Salesforce Administrator to manage your entire instance.

Put all these add-ons together and you have an unpalatably hefty price tag.

By comparison, Ripcord is a fraction of the price, and does all of the aforementioned things (and more) right out of the box. That's one revenue platform, for one low cost, that does it all!  

Complete feature comparison


Smart CRM

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Prebuilt Workflows
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AI Company Append
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Dynamic Scoring
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Seemless Transition to Onboarding
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Seemless Transition to Customer Sucesss
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Out of Box Functionality
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Unlimited Contacts
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Marketing Automation

Lead Workflows & Automation
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Email & Text Messaging
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Missed Meeting Auto-Demo
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Contract Auto-Reminders
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3rd Party CRM Integration
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Integrated Payment/Signing
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Reporting Suite

Leaderboard Gamification
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Sales Forecasting
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Commission Estimation
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Out of Box Charts & Data Visualization
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Multiple Data Objects
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Smart Scheduler

Complex Routing Rules
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Calendar Booking Widget
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Booking Landing Pages
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Coaching Suite

Unlimited Meetings
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Automatic Meeting Recording
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AI Transcription
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Live Viewing & Coaching
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Intent Analysis
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