Ripcord vs Outreach

Why settle for Outreach when Ripcord offers the same features plus live video demo recording, lead tracking, and integrated payments in one powerful platform?

Let's get to the brass tacks...

Outreach is a robust sales enablement tool. It has automatic email sequences, deal management, pipeline forecasting, etc. But there are a few things which make Outreach fall far behind Ripcord.

Most notably - Outreach does not have any live video demo recording, AI-transcribing, intent analysis, or ability for sales leaders and other SMEs to jump into live sales calls. It also does not track commission estimations or automate payments or contract signings.

Outreach is not a true marketing automation system. It does not have the ability to track channel source data from your leads.

Ripcord does all of this - it will automate more layers of our lead to win funnel and save you the cost of having multiple disjointed tools and siloed teams.

Now that's a WIN for everybody!

Complete feature comparison


Marketing Automation

Lead Workflows & Automation
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Email & Text Messaging
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Missed Meeting Auto-Demo
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Contract Auto-Reminders
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3rd Party CRM Integration
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Integrated Payment/Signing
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Smart CRM

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Prebuilt Workflows
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AI Company Append
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Dynamic Scoring
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Seemless Transition to Onboarding
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Seemless Transition to Customer Sucesss
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Out of Box Functionality
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Unlimited Contacts
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Coaching Suite

Unlimited Meetings
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Automatic Meeting Recording
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AI Transcription
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Live Viewing & Coaching
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Intent Analysis
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Reporting Suite

Leaderboard Gamification
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Sales Forecasting
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Commission Estimation
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Out of Box Charts & Data Visualization
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Multiple Data Objects
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Smart Scheduler

Complex Routing Rules
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Calendar Booking Widget
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Booking Landing Pages
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